
Hi everyone,

Please view my prezi to learn about me!

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Watch this video I made to learn how to be successful in AP Biology:


Final Website Reflection

I never imagined that I would not only create a website, but constantly update the site for a high school class. Writing for Becca’s Bio Blog has always been one of my favorite assignments because I feel like I’m simply writing in a journal. This site has been a place to voice my thoughts and share my experiences in a creative and engaging way, and I’ve truly enjoyed writing almost every post.

One post that I wrote that I remember the most is “Are Viruses Alive?” (which you can check out HERE). It was the first post I wrote, and I had to edit it several times to make it more engaging. I remember being very frustrated when I was writing this post because the formatting never cooperated and I had a hard time finding consistent information. However, I am pretty pleased with my finished post, even though I wish the formatting was a little better. The topic itself for the post is something that I’ve been wondering for a while, so I’m glad that I finally had a chance to be creative and do my own research.

A sneak peak of my Viruses post. Are they alive?
A sneak peak of my Viruses post. Are they alive?

Another memorable post I wrote was “Extracting DNA from a Strawberry” (which you can check out HERE). For this post I collaborated with Meichen to do the experiment portion. Extracting the DNA was a pretty amazing experience. I never thought that DNA would resemble clear mucus (not to be disgusting) and that it would be so easy for normal people like us to even extract DNA from anything! I had the most fun writing this post because I got to do something out of the ordinary and collaborate with a friend.

A sneak peak of my Strawberry DNA Extraction post
A sneak peak of my Strawberry DNA Extraction post

Through creating this blog, I learned that biology covers a diverse span of topics and that it’s a subject that truly goes beyond the covers of a textbook. Biology often required me to work in teams (like Save the Bay), or work individually to absorb the information. Working in different kinds of group settings helped me get to know some of my classmates more and also helped me know what styles of learning I worked best in.

Next year, I will be attending UC Berkeley (check out my post on Nano High at UC Berkeley HEREΒ while you’re at it πŸ™‚ ) as a Business/Economics major. Though I probably will not be taking another serious science class, I will always be fascinated by the world around us. I will try to take some specific science courses at Berkeley to have fun and learn at the same time.

Go bears!!
Go bears!!

This year has been very exciting, tiring (at times), and enlightening. I can honestly say that this class has helped me see life and the world around us in a different way, andΒ I am grateful that I took AP Biology.


7 thoughts on “About

  1. Your overall blog was interesting. I appreciated reading your perspective. I like your use of Prezi. It is a good tool to master and helps get away from PowerPoint, which can be mundane. You put real thought into your posts, and even taught me a few things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for commenting on many of my posts! I really appreciate your insight and the time you take out of your day to read them. I’m glad you learned a few things along the way too πŸ™‚


  2. Hi Rebecca! Overall great blog. You used sophisticated language and articulated your thoughts very well. I really enjoyed your blog post about the tide pools field trip! I am so happy that I took this class with you because we became so close! I will miss you next year but I will definitely come and visit you πŸ™‚ Go Bears and good luck next year!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Rebecca! πŸ™‚ I love the tips you gave in your video, they’ll definitely be helpful to anyone entering the class! And I completely agree with you; writing blog posts feels like writing in a journal and it turned out to be very enjoyable for me as well. πŸ™‚


  4. Rebecca, Your tips video is perfect. You clearly pinpoint common challenges and provide specific ways for the new team members to be successful. I have really enjoyed being on this journey with you this year. Cal is so blessed to have you next year. I can’t wait to hear about the impact you make! Thank you for your dedication, deep interest in some challenging topics, openness to trying new things (especially all the tech), and sharing your opinions and thoughts. I have truly loved getting to know you. This site is an excellent digital portfolio of your journey. I hope you will look back at it from time to time and see your amazing work! I know with your work ethic and focus you will experience many more great achievements. Please keep in touch so I can hear about your adventures πŸ™‚

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